[Morphofunctional vascular changes associated with sudden death in the young].

Diagnosis of sudden death in the young is based on the results of a set of research methods. Immunohistochemical, histochemical and histochemical methods are fundamental to the diagnosis of hidden forms of connective tissue pathology. These methods allow the sequence of initial and irreversible changes in connective tissue structures to be determined. The aim of this study was to determine the abnormalities of the vascular wall structure when using immunohistochemical and histological methods for the verification of congenital anomalies of various types of vessels, which expand the criteria for the diagnostic detection of individuals with connective tissue dysplasia. These investigation methods allow the diagnosis of hidden forms of congenital connective tissue pathology in the young. The main morphological signs of pathology of the aorta, carotid arteries, coronary and cerebral arteries are the disturbance of structural elements of the connective tissue.