This research on user requirements defines functionalities of the Web 2.0 systems for the targeted user group (elderly, people with impaired vision, hearing, speech, and neurodegenerative diseases - TUG) in order to improve the quality of their lives. For this purpose, there is a proposal of Web 2.0 technologies (HTML5 and PHP) whose functionalities allow dynamism and adaptability of information to the TUG. Architecture of solution is based on Cloud Computing (CC) technology which provides 24/7 support for provision of service and safety. Functionalities defined in this paper, are in fact a form of an assistive technology, which allows a registration of the TUG and enables a necessary adjustment of websites according to the degree of deficiency. Due to the functionalities listed within this paper, developed application solution allows the TUG to spend their third age in a dignified manner, providing them with the possibility to have more interaction with people and the opportunity to participate in various activities in their fields of interest.