A dynamic wireless power transfer system with parallel transmitters

This paper proposes a dynamic wireless power transfer system with parallel transmitters for electric vehicles. The transmitter consists of two DD type coils which connect with one inverter in parallel. To overcome the power-null phenomenon, one additional rectangular coil named Q coil is added into the DD type receiver, composing the DDQ type receiver. One big challenge in dynamic wireless power transfer system is the output power pulsation. To mitigate that challenge, the Q coil is optimized using Finite Elements Method. For the compensation network, a double-side LCC topology is adopted. Each LCC network together with the self-inductance of the loosely coupled transformer composes a symmetric T type network, which can turn a constant sinusoidal voltage source into a constant sinusoidal current source. It is shown that constant current output characteristic the symmetric T type network can great simplify the design. Moreover, to maximize the efficiency of the whole system, an optimized design method for the receiver is proposed. Finally, a prototype is fabricated to verify the aforementioned analysis.