Distance learning: a CHI 97 special interest group
Like musr 'fir:a meetings' much of the time was taken up with introductions and explanations of how pcopk are invoh,ed in the ropic. However, through this process a number ofimponnnt issues were: raiS<.'<L A deeper undemanding of these issues would undoubledly rontrlbute much ro the; S(:ue-of-l'hc-arr of learning ~•nd rQching ar a dinanct mediated by technology. This revicYo• ends with a .summary of kq issl.ICS, which the organizers urge the HCI com•nunily to diku.ss. It is import:tn( rh;~.t an HCI perspeccive is included in rhc many debates curremly aiming co sh:~pc the future of <listanct> ctluctrion.