Numerical Simulation of the Installation and Extraction Process of Spudcan Foundations in Clay

This paper presents results from large displacement finite element analysis for spudcan foundation penetrating into and extracting from normally consolidated (NC) clay. The soil was idealized as an elastic-perfectly plastic material obeying a Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion and the large displacement analysis was carried out using Remeshing and Interpolating Technique with Small Strain (RITSS) model to simulate the full installation and extraction process. The numerical results were compared with centrifuge model test data and existing analytical solutions. A full parametric study was undertaken to quantify the influence on spudcan extraction process from soil strength profile, foundation interface roughness and penetration depth. The extraction results showed that the normalized uplift resistance after spudcan installation was much lower than that from small strain analysis, and it was also lower than that of pre-embedded case. Thus it is necessary to apply RITSS method in spudcan extraction simulation after installation.Copyright © 2009 by ASME