PCR-based fair intelligent bandwidth allocation for rate adaptive video traffic

In this paper, we propose a network bandwidth sharing algorithm, Peak Cell Rate (PCR)-based Fair Intelligent Bandwidth Allocation (PFIBA) for transporting rate-adaptive video traffic using feedback, and report on its performance under a general PCR-based share policies. Through extensive simulations, we obtained following results. The PFIBA algorithm is capable of allocating bandwidth fairly for the minimum cell rate (MCR) plus PCR-proportional fairness criteria among competitive rate-adaptive video sources, is capable to reallocate smoothly when there are renegotiations of the minimum guaranteed cell rate or PCR by some connections, is able to reallocate smoothly when a new connection is admitted, and is able to reallocate smoothly when a connection is throttled somewhere earlier along the connection path. Furthermore, we show the algorithm prevents congestion, especially during the initial periods when buffer queues can build up significantly.