Government Strategies in Handling the Impact of the Spread of the Covid-19 Outbreak in Bandar Lampung

Bandar Lampung City recorded 9,674 cases. This makes Bandar Lampung City the highest positive case area in Lampung Province. Of course this is a special note for the government to respond to preventive actions. In Bandar Lampung Mayor Regulation (PERWALI) Number 18 of 2020, guidelines for preventing COVID-19 through health protocols, administrative sanctions, and police coercion are imposed. During the pandemic, government institutions, one of which was the Mayor of Bandar Lampung, became the main focus in Lampung Province because the real conditions in the field were still crowded, so prevention and following government policies were not optimal. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with data collection using a literature study. The results of this study develop education and establish policies to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The policies that Bandar Lampung has taken are 1) establishing COVID-19 as a pandemic or a national epidemic, 2) campaigning for health protocols by implementing 3M (wash hands, wearing masks, and maintaining distance), 3) policies are carried out in stages starting from PSBB, to PPKM level, 4) social assistance and national economic recovery, 5) adaptation to new normal