The Instrumental Period

The instrumental period began with the first voyages to the Southern Ocean during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries when scientists such as Edmund Halley made observations of quantities such as geomagnetism. During the early voyages information was collected on the meteorological conditions across the Southern Ocean, ocean conditions, the sea ice extent and the terrestrial and marine biology. The continent itself was discovered in 1820, although the collection of data was sporadic through the remainder of the Nineteenth Century and it was not possible to venture into the inhospitable interior of Antarctica. At the start of the Twentieth Century stations were first operated year-round and this really began the period of organised scientific investigation in the Antarctic. Most of these stations were not operated for long periods, which is a handicap when trying to investigate climate change over the last century.

Sharon A. Robinson | John Turner | Carlo Barbante | Andrew J. Monaghan | Michael P. Meredith | Victor Smetacek | Theodore A. Scambos | Sergio Rossi | Eberhard Fahrbach | Roberto Bargagli | Robert Bindschadler | Byron J. Adams | Julian Gutt | Peter Convey | Guido di Prisco | Lloyd S. Peck | Cinzia Verde | Christian Wiencke | Nancy A. N. Bertler | Josifino Comiso | Mauro Gugliemin | Françoise Hennion | Karen Heywood | Ad H L Huiskes | Dominic A. Hodgson | Gareth J. Marshall | Nicolas Metzl | Kevin G. Speer | Colin Summerhayes | Kees van Der Veen | Tony Worby | Roger Worland | Howard K. Roscoe | Andrew Lenton | Hans-Otto Pörtner | Takashi Yamanouchi | David H. Bromwich | Mark I. Stevens | Covadonga Orejas | H. Hellmer | S. Jacobs | D. Bromwich | L. Peck | R. Bindschadler | T. Scambos | E. Fahrbach | P. Convey | J. Turner | D. Hodgson | G. Marshall | M. Meredith | H. Roscoe | J. Gutt | P. Mayewski | S. Robinson | C. Summerhayes | K. Speer | S. Rintoul | A. Jones | H. Pörtner | C. Verde | G. Prisco | J. Bockheim | V. Smetácek | A. Monaghan | C. Barbante | R. Arthern | N. Metzl | S. Chown | A. Lenton | S. Rossi | T. Yamanouchi | C. Wiencke | A. Huiskes | D. Bergstrom | R. Bargagli | Sungmin Hong | M. Stevens | K. Newsham | P. Trathan | J. Forcada | K. Heywood | B. Adams | A. Cook | A. Atkinson | C. Orejas | J. Fastook | A. Naveira‐Garabato | Jaume Forcada | Stan Jacobs | N. Bertler | J. Gili | Kevin K. Newsham | Phil Trathan | Hartmut Hellmer | Enrique Isla | Steve Rintoul | Dana M. Bergstrom | Paul Andrew Mayewski | C. Boutron | Josifino Comiso | M. Gugliemin | F. Hennion | D. Holland | E. Isla | Jonathan S. Shanklin | K. Veen | David Vaughan | David Webb | Philip Woo Dworth | T. Worby | R. Worland | Josep-Maria Gili | Anna E. Jones | Sungmin Hong | James Bockheim | Steve Chown | David J. Vaughan | Angus Atkinson | David Webb | Alberto Naveira-Garabato | Jim Fastook | Rob Arthern | Claude Boutron | Alison Cook | David Holland | Jon Shanklin | J. Shanklin | A. Naveira-Garabato

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