Enhanced magnetoelectric effect in longitudinal-transverse mode Terfenol-D∕Pb(Mg1∕3Nb2∕3)O3–PbTiO3 laminate composites with optimal crystal cut

Magnetoelectric (ME) laminate composite consisting of optimal crystal cut thickness-polarized piezoelectric 0.7Pb(Mg1∕3Nb2∕3)O3–0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) single crystal and the length-magnetized magnetostrictive Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.92 (Terfenol-D) alloy has been fabricated. The cut optimization of PMN-PT crystal greatly enhances the longitudinally magnetized-transversely polarized (L‐T) mode ME effect, which has a superior ME voltage coefficient αE of ∼3.02V∕cmOe in low frequency band. Near the resonance frequency of 95kHz, the coefficient dramatically increases and reaches the maximized value of 33.2V∕cmOe, which is almost two times larger than the previously reported ⟨001⟩-oriented PMN-PT crystal based L‐T mode laminate composite.