Opiate anaesthesia.

Current use of opioids in anaesthesia is reviewed with particular emphasis on the use of opioids in anaesthetic doses, techniques that recently have become popular in cardiovascular anaesthesia. A major benefit of opioid anaesthesia (particularly fentanyl) is the cardiovascular stability which obtains during induction and throughout operation, even in patients with severely impaired cardiac function. Anaesthetic doses of morphine are associated with a higher incidence of cardiovascular disturbances and other problems. Pethidine is unsuitable for cardiovascular surgery because of severe haemodynamic disturbances when high doses are given. Sufentanil and alfentanil may prove more suitable alternatives. High doses of opioids can reduce or prevent hormonal and metabolic responses to the stress of surgery. Even very large doses of fentanyl or its new analogues do not prevent marked increases in plasma catecholamine concentrations in response to cardiopulmonary bypass. The reduction in hormonal and metabolic stress response does not appear to continue postoperatively.

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