Internal erosion of dams and their foundations
Preface Overview paper The state of the art of assessing the likelihood of internal erosion of embankment dams, water retaining structures and their foundations R. Fell & J.J. Fry Submitted papers Assessing the vulnerability of dams to internal erosion R.C. Bridle Internal erosion in Porjus dam - risk assessment and proposal for upgrading M. Bartsch Issues in the management of internal erosion in UK embankment dams A.J. Brown Bureau of Reclamation experience with evaluating internal erosion of embankment dams J.M. Cyganiewicz,W.O. Engemoen & C.G. Redlinger A framework for assessing the likelihood of internal erosion and piping of embankment dams and their foundations R. Fell, M.A. Foster & C.F.Wan Assessment of the likelihood of initiation of erosion in embankment dams R. Fell, C.F.Wan & M.A. Foster Application of no, excessive and continuing erosion criteria to existing dams M.A. Foster Re-evaluation of internal erosion incidents at Matahina Dam, New Zealand M.D. Gillon Detection of internal erosion in embankment dams using temperature, resistivity and SP measurements S. Johansson Internal stability of particles in dam cores made of cohesionless broadly graded moraines J. Lafleur & P.H. Nguyen A specific triaxial device for the study of internal erosion in cohesive soils D. Marot, A. Alexis & F. Bendahmane The susceptibility of internal erosion in the Suorva Dam A. Nilsson Filters and internal erosion in Swedish dams A. Nilsson Hydraulic criteria for internal erosion in cohesionless soil S. Perzlmaier Evaluation of erosion of soil used in dykes and earth embankments which are subjected to flood P. Reiffsteck Evaluating internal instability and internal erosion in a selection of existing Swedish embankment dams H.F. Ronnqvist A review of Corps of Engineers levee seepage practices in the United States G.L. Sills, PE & N. Vroman Investigation of internal erosion by the process of suffusion in embankment dams and their foundations C.F.Wan & R. Fell FIREBIRD_Breach: A numerical model for breach formation in earthfill dams by overtopping of the crest P.Wang & R. Kahawita Subject Index Author Index