CADB-2.0: Conformation Angles Database.
The Conformation Angles Data Base (CADB) is a comprehensive, authoritative and timely knowledge base with a powerful query engine developed to facilitate the retrieval of information related to the conformational angles (main chain and side chain) of the amino-acid residues present in non-redundant (both 25 and 90%) data sets. The updated version has improved options for determining the dependency of the conformation angles of a particular residue upon the flanking residues, doublet analysis, triplet analysis and analysis of a particular protein structure. It is worth mentioning that for all options a user-friendly and convenient Java graphical user interface (GUI) has been provided to display the output on the client machine. The database is accessible at the URL or
[1] P. Ananthalakshmi,et al. CADB: Conformation Angles DataBase of proteins , 2003, Nucleic Acids Res..