Querying weak instances

1. INTRODUCTION The universal relation model gives the user a view of the data as though it was stored in a single relation, in which every attribute plays a unique role. Thus, in posing queries, the user does not have to navigate among the different base relations; the system performs this navigation automatically by transforming the query on the universal relation into one involving the stored base relations. For example, in a films database with relations FP (Film-Producer) and FD (Film-Diiwtor), ln response to the query rcrrieve P where D-FelJmi (which producers has Fellmi worked for), the system would " know " that diiectors are related to produc-ers' through films. Thus, the relation between producers and directors would be constructed by taking the join of relations FP and FD and projecting on the attributes P, D. The fust approach towards defmlng the relationship between the actual database (the base relations) and the universal relation is known as the pure universal instance assumption. This assumption postulates that the database is formed by projecting some universal relation (satisfying the dependencies), and the universal relation is formed by taking the join of all the base relations. This assumption places very severe restrictions on the database, since incomplete information is not allowed-each tuple of a base relation must match with tuples in all the other relations. One could allow dao-glmg tuples (tuples that don't match), but then in taking the joii of all the relations these tuples would get lost. For example, suppose that in the films database we have also a relation FA (Film-Actor). Then, if we take the join of all three relations FP, FD, FA , we loose the relationship between directors of documentaries and their

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