A simulated annealing heuristic for robotics assembly using the dynamic pick-and-place model

Products assembled by robots are typical in present day manufacturing. The traditional type of automatic assembly is Fixed Picked and Place (FPP) mode. The development of the Dynamic Picked-and-Place (DPP) model is an important issue in robotics travel. Until now, to route robotics travel, the authors usually have utilized the fixed coordinate of insertion points and magazine of the Travelling Salesman Problems (TSP) method to sequence the insertion points. However, robotics travel routing should be based on a relative coordinate because the coordinates of insertion point and magazine are constantly changing. That is, the robotics, board and magazine are simultaneously moved at different speeds. This study presents a Simulated Annealing (SA)-based algorithm that can arrange the insertion sequence and assign the magazine slots to obtain a performance better than in the traditional approach.