Exploring the effects of attitudinal and perception characteristics on drinking and driving non-compliant behaviour.

The objective of this paper is to examine a number of factors (observed and latent) that might have a causal effect on drinking and driving (D&D) behaviour. Face-to-face surveys were conducted among patrons at bars and cafeterias and 305 valid questionnaires were filled. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed so as to identify the latent constructs and a mixed structural equation model was developed. From the analysis it came up that non-compliant behaviour of D&D is limited at older ages, also associated with high levels of income and car availability. Though men are consuming more alcohol, women seem to be more prone in driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol. Furthermore, it was found that people who strongly support the examined interventions in the study (e.g. better enforcement, more traffic safety campaigns, stricter penalties) are more unlikely to drive after drinking compare to those who have some objections. Finally, it was not found any statistically significant relation between individuals' level of awareness and D&D behaviour.

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