A Comparative Analysis for Video Watermarking Techniques
As now a day’s data transmission is used widely. Data can be audio, video or text. A large data is present on the net today. Video data is mostly used now as it is much easier to understand. So, websites like you tube etc. are gaining more and more popularity. As a huge data is present on the net so there must be a sound security system for this data also. Owner of the data is putting his data on the net so that he may get revenue and popularity from it. But due to easy copy pasting hacking of data is also common. Any hacker can make a copy of data from his name and can transfer it ahead. Watermarking seems a copyright protection tool in this case. In this paper various methods of video watermarking are implemented in mat lab and a comparison in between different methods is made. Three methods are taken here – spatial domain, DWT domain, DCT domain. These methods are compared according to some common parameters.