APEX: the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment

APEX, the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment, has been successfully commissioned and is in operation now. This novel submillimeter telescope is located at 5107 m altitude on Llano de Chajnantor in the Chilean High Andes, on what is considered one of the world's outstanding sites for submillimeter astronomy. The primary reflector with 12 m diameter has been carefully adjusted by means of holography. Its surface smoothness of 17-18 μm makes APEX suitable for observations up to 200 μm, through all atmospheric submm windows accessible from the ground.

G. Siringo | M. Pantaleev | T. K. Sridharan | V. Vassilev | R. Güsten | A. Belloche | H. Hafok | S. Heyminck | C. Kasemann | B. Klein | A. Korn | A. Lundgren | K. M. Menten | D. Muders | P. Schilke | G. Schneider | A. Wunsch | F. Wyrowski | C. Risacher | V. Belitsky | P. Sauer | A. Henseler | W. Esch | A. Greve | R. S. Booth | C. Cesarsky | C. Agurto | M. Anciaux | F. Azagra | P. Bergman | C. De Breuck | C. Comito | M. Dumke | C. Duran | J. Fluxa | W. Häupl | L. Helldner | L. E. Johansson | E. Kreysa | R. Kurz | I. Lapkin | S. Leurini | D. Lis | F. Mac-Auliffe | M. Martinez | J. Melnick | D. Morris | L. A. Nyman | M. Olberg | R. Olivares | N. Patel | K. Pausch | S. D. Philipp | S. Philipps | E. Polehampton | V. Reveret | M. Roa | J. Santana | J. Sepulveda | J. Spyromilio | K.-H. Stenvers | F. van der Tak | D. Torres | L. Vanzi | A. Weiss | K. Willmeroth | K. Menten | A. Belloche | C. Cesarsky | A. Korn | J. Spyromilio | N. Patel | D. Lis | V. Vassilev | G. Siringo | C. Comito | P. Schilke | J. Melnick | M. Pantaleev | A. Greve | M. Dumke | E. Kreysa | D. Muders | W. Esch | C. De Breuck | S. Heyminck | C. Kasemann | R. Güsten | E. Polehampton | A. Weiss | F. Wyrowski | L. Nyman | V. Révéret | C. Risacher | Sridharan T. K. | S. Leurini | B. Klein | C. Agurto | F. Azagra | F. Mac-Auliffe | D. Morris | L. Vanzi | V. Belitsky | L. Helldner | P. Bergman | R. Booth | M. Olberg | A. Lundgren | F. van der Tak | K. Stenvers | S. Philipp | K. Pausch | M. Anciaux | S. Philipps | L. Johansson | I. Lapkin | R. Olivares | H. Hafok | G. Schneider | A. Wunsch | C. Durán | J. Santana | J. Fluxá | K. Willmeroth | A. Henseler | W. Häupl | R. Kurz | M. Martínez | M. Roa | P. Sauer | J. Sepúlveda | D. Torres