The impact of competing powertrain technologies on the formation of automotive innovation networks

The automotive sector faces a fundamental transformation due to technological change regarding low-emission vehicles. The simultaneous development of different alternative powertrain systems is a complex and expensive challenge for the whole industry. As the high risks and costs can be shared and complementary core competencies can be combined, innovation networks, representing a specific form of inter-organizational coordination, increase in importance. Based on network theory, we examine the institutional relationship of car manufacturers and suppliers to gain a better understanding of joint strategies. Our study contributes to the scientific discussion on patent analysis by developing an elaborate combination of patent classes and keywords. In this way, we create a highly valid dataset of over 71,000 patents consisting of four different powertrain technologies: internal combustion engine vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, battery electric vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles. We analyze the collaboration of different firms by extracting those patents that show a joint assignment of two or more assignees, leading to a total of 2,025 bi-lateral connections. This approach enables us to measure the spread of innovation networks over time and to reveal insights on the direction of partnerships and the role of certain actors within the network. Complemented by practice-oriented examples, our findings contribute to the understanding of automotive networks with respect to the ongoing and yet to be decided competition of powertrain technologies.

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