Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch with Emission and Loss using GAMS

Dynamic economic dispatch (DED) is a real time problem of electric power system. DED intends to schedule the online generators outputs with the predicted load demands over a certain period of time in order to operate an electric power system most economically within its security limits. This paper introduces a solution of the dynamic economic dispatch (DED) problem including the loss and emission is participated among all generating units over time interval for a system using General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). The objective of the collective problem can be expressed by taking the production cost including emission and losses into account with required constraints for 24 hour time interval of each generating unit. The general algebraic modeling system (GAMS) technique is guarantees the global optimality of the solution due to its look-further on capability. To validate practicability and robustness of the GAMS, it is tested on six generating unit system with different cases for determine minimum production cost of individual generating unit over a time period. In test case I only production cost without emission and loss, In test case II production cost with loss, In test case III production cost with including emission and without losses and In test case IV production cost including emission and losses for time interval of 24 hours. Keyword— Dynamic economic dispatch (DED), security limits, general algebraic modeling system (GAMS), production cost etc.