TheFastCorrelative Interferometer Direction Finder using IIQDemodulator
This paperpresents thedevelopment ofthefastprocessing because signal duration isshort inoneofhopping Correlative Interferometer Direction FinderusingI/Q frequencies. demodulator, whichdemodulates incoming signals using direct-We investigate theperformances inthetwotypes ofCIDF conversion technique without synthesizer tuning time. Alsothis algorithms whichasknowncanbewelloperated either from paper compares theperformance ofthetwotypes (i.e. correlation basedandLSE based) ofCIDF(Correlative Interferometer cluttered orfromuncluttered sites. Direction Finding) algorithms withthatoftheCRLB(Cramer- hepaper isorganized a s follows. InSection 2 thesystem RaoLowerBound) in5-channel circular equi-spaced array. The modelusing fast CIDFalgorithms ispresented. InSection 3, CIDFalgorithms haveseveral beneficial features thatarenot theperformance ofCIDFalgorithms arestudied andare shared byconventional DF(Direction Finding) algorithms such compared withthat ofCRLB.InSection 4,theperformance of asrobust operation insevere environment. Thispaper presents pilot system developed isdemonstrated inopenfield, andin theresults ofthefield trial using thepilot system withdirect-Section 5,thepaper isconcluded. conversion receiving technique. UsingfastRF downconverter androbust CIDFalgorithms, wecomparetheperformance ofthe pilot system withtheresult ofnumerical simulation.