Social science research on energy: International and Norwegian studies

[1]  Fredric C. Menz,et al.  The effectiveness of different policy regimes for promoting wind power: Experiences from the states , 2006 .

[2]  Taoyuan Wei,et al.  Impact of energy efficiency gains on output and energy use with Cobb-Douglas production function , 2007 .

[3]  L. Gan Globalization of the automobile industry in China Dynamics and barriers in the greening of road transportation , 2001 .

[4]  Lee Schipper,et al.  Residential energy use: an international perspective on long-term trends in Denmark, Norway and Sweden , 2004 .

[5]  Norway's experience of carbon dioxide storage: a basis for pursuing international commitments? , 2007 .

[6]  J. Buen,et al.  Danish and Norwegian wind industry: The relationship between policy instruments, innovation and diffusion , 2006 .

[7]  Finn R. Førsund,et al.  Phasing in wind-power in Norway: Network congestion and crowding-out of hydropower , 2008 .

[8]  Bo Carlsson,et al.  Technological Systems and Industrial Dynamics , 1997 .

[9]  Andrii Gritsevskyi,et al.  Modeling uncertainty of induced technological change , 2000 .

[10]  Per Dannemand Andersen,et al.  Ny Energi og Innovation i Danmark , 2009 .

[11]  Frode Kjærland,et al.  A real option analysis of investments in hydropower--The case of Norway , 2007 .

[12]  K. Riahi,et al.  Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Dynamics-as-Usual Scenario of Economic and Energy Development , 2000 .

[13]  E. Rosa,et al.  STIRPAT, IPAT and ImPACT: analytic tools for unpacking the driving forces of environmental impacts , 2003 .

[14]  Marko P. Hekkert,et al.  Stimulating renewable energy technologies by innovation policy , 2008 .

[15]  S. Shackley,et al.  Stakeholder perceptions Of CO2 capture and storage in Europe: Results from a survey , 2007 .

[16]  Björn A. Sandén,et al.  Transforming the Energy System — the Evolution of the German Technological System for Solar Cells , 2004 .

[17]  S. Kverndokk,et al.  Norwegian gas sales and the impacts on European CO2 emissions , 2001 .

[18]  D. Bell,et al.  The ‘Social Gap’ in Wind Farm Siting Decisions: Explanations and Policy Responses , 2005 .

[19]  E. Mork Emergence of financial markets for electricity: a European perspective , 2001 .

[20]  Anders Roos,et al.  Residential bioenergy heating: A study of consumer perceptions of improved woodstoves , 2008 .

[21]  W. McDowall,et al.  Forecasts, scenarios, visions, backcasts and roadmaps to the hydrogen economy: A review of the hydrogen futures literature , 2006 .

[22]  K. Røed,et al.  Endogenous technology and tradable emission quotas , 2006 .

[23]  E. Bucy Environmental politics , 2011, Politics and the Life Sciences.

[24]  B. Solberg,et al.  Impacts of policy means for increased use of forest-based bioenergy in Norway : A spatial partial equilibrium analysis , 2007 .

[25]  Lin Gan,et al.  Bioenergy transition in rural China: Policy options and co-benefits , 2008 .

[26]  R. Kemp,et al.  Transition management as a model for managing processes of co-evolution towards sustainable development , 2007 .

[27]  Erling Holmøy,et al.  Trade liberalisation and effects on pollutive emissions to air and deposits of solid waste. A general equilibrium assessment for Norway , 2003 .

[28]  Ingeborg Rasmussen,et al.  A general equilibrium assessment of rebound effects , 2004 .

[29]  C. Jumbe Cointegration and causality between electricity consumption and GDP: empirical evidence from Malawi , 2004 .

[30]  Atle Midttun,et al.  Challenges when electricity markets face the investment phase , 2004 .

[31]  Kristina Ek Public and private attitudes towards “green” electricity: the case of Swedish wind power , 2005 .

[32]  T. Dublin,et al.  Research policy , 2021, The Routledge Handbook of Gender and EU Politics.

[33]  Patrick Devine-Wright,et al.  Reconsidering Public Acceptance of Renewable Energy Technologies: a Critical Review , 2007 .

[34]  E. Bjørnstad An engineering economics approach to the estimation of forest fuel supply in North-Trøndelag county, Norway , 2005 .

[35]  Lars Sørgard,et al.  Temporary Bottlenecks, Hydropower and Acquisitions , 2006 .

[36]  A. Skonhoft,et al.  Wood Fuel or Carbon Sink? Aspects of Forestry in the Climate Question , 2002 .

[37]  Matthias Weber,et al.  Towards Environmental Innovation Systems , 2005 .

[38]  David Toke,et al.  Explaining wind power planning outcomes:: some findings from a study in England and Wales , 2005 .

[39]  Bodil Merethe Larsen,et al.  Norwegian residential electricity demand—a microeconomic assessment of the growth from 1976 to 1993 , 2001 .

[40]  Andreas Tjernshaugen,et al.  Political commitment to CO2 capture and storage: evidence from government RD&D budgets , 2007 .

[41]  Lorna A. Greening,et al.  Design of coordinated energy and environmental policies: use of multi-criteria decision-making , 2004 .

[42]  H. Rohracher,et al.  The Transition towards Sustainable Production Systems in Austria: A Reflexive Exercise? , 2006 .

[43]  Eirik S. Amundsen,et al.  How to play the game as the bridge between two European power markets—the case of Western Denmark , 2006 .

[44]  Torstein Bye,et al.  Inflow shortages in deregulated power markets : Reasons for concern? , 2008 .

[45]  Adam Faiers,et al.  Consumer attitudes towards domestic solar power systems , 2006 .

[46]  R. Tol Estimates of the Damage Costs of Climate Change, Part II. Dynamic Estimates , 2002 .

[47]  Audun Ruud,et al.  Promoting Sustainable Electricity in Europe: Challenging the Path Dependence of Dominant Energy Systems , 2009 .

[48]  Stein-Erik Fleten,et al.  Investment timing and optimal capacity choice for small hydropower projects , 2008, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[49]  Runa Nesbakken,et al.  Energy Consumption for Space Heating: A Discrete-Continuous Approach , 2001 .

[50]  M. Hekkert,et al.  Cumulative causation in the formation of a technological innovation system: The case of biofuels in the Netherlands , 2009 .

[51]  Nick Hanley,et al.  Using conjoint analysis to quantify public preferences over the environmental impacts of wind farms. An example from Spain , 2002 .

[52]  Manfred Lenzen,et al.  Examining the global environmental impact of regional consumption activities — Part 2: Review of input–output models for the assessment of environmental impacts embodied in trade , 2007 .

[53]  Adrian A. Smith,et al.  Niche-based Approaches to Sustainable Development: Radical Activists versus Strategic Managers , 2006 .

[54]  Solveig Glomsrød,et al.  Coal cleaning: a viable strategy for reduced carbon emissions and improved environment in China? , 2005 .

[55]  J. Voss,et al.  Sustainability Foresight: Reflexive Governance in the Transformation of Utility Systems , 2006 .

[56]  E. Holden,et al.  Three Challenges for the Compact City as a Sustainable Urban Form: Household Consumption of Energy and Transport in Eight Residential Areas in the Greater Oslo Region , 2005 .

[57]  Frans Berkhout,et al.  Foresight futures scenarios: developing and applying a participative strategic planning tool * , 2002 .

[58]  B. Brohmann,et al.  Factors influencing the societal acceptance of new energy technologies: Meta-analysis of recent european projects , 2007 .

[59]  Helmut Haberl,et al.  How to calculate and interpret ecological footprints for long periods of time: the case of Austria 1926-1995 , 2001 .

[60]  Martin Meyer,et al.  Tracking techno-science networks: A case study of fuel cells and related hydrogen technology R&D in Norway , 2007, Scientometrics.

[61]  Marit Vorkinn,et al.  Environmental Concern in a Local Context , 2001 .

[62]  Wim Turkenburg,et al.  Global experience curves for wind farms , 2005 .

[63]  Timothy J. Foxon,et al.  Innovation for a low carbon economy : economic, institutional and management approaches , 2008 .

[64]  Kjell J. Sunnevåg Voluntary Agreements and the Incentives for Innovation , 2000 .

[65]  R. K. Dixon,et al.  Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change , 1998 .


[67]  F. Malerba Sectoral systems of innovation and production , 2002 .

[68]  Arie Rip,et al.  Societal Embedding and Product Creation Management , 1997 .

[69]  Erling Moxnes Estimating customer utility of energy efficiency standards for refrigerators , 2004 .

[70]  Staffan Jacobsson,et al.  The politics and policy of energy system transformation—explaining the German diffusion of renewable energy technology , 2006 .

[71]  Runa Nesbakken,et al.  Price sensitivity of residential energy consumption in Norway , 1999 .

[72]  Knut Bjørn Lindkvist,et al.  Restructuring a peripheral coastal community: The case of a Galician fishing town , 2007 .

[73]  W. Patterson Energy policy , 1978, Nature.

[74]  Ståle Navrud,et al.  Consumers' Preferences for Green and Brown Electricity : a Choice Modelling Approach , 2007 .

[75]  A. Jaffe,et al.  Environmental Policy and Technological Change , 2002 .

[76]  M. Akai,et al.  Public acceptance of CO2 capture and storage technology: A survey of public opinion to explore influential factors , 2005 .

[77]  F. Geels Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: a multi-level perspective and a case-study , 2002 .

[78]  Frank W. Geels,et al.  The dynamics of sustainable innovation journeys , 2008, Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag..

[79]  B. Carlsson,et al.  On the nature, function and composition of technological systems , 1991 .

[80]  J. Voss,et al.  Reflexive governance for sustainable development , 2006 .

[81]  R. Mourik,et al.  ESTEEM: Managing societal acceptance in new energy projects A toolbox method for project managers ☆ , 2009 .

[82]  H. Rohracher,et al.  Improving the public perception of bioenergy , 2012 .

[83]  M. Aune Energy comes home , 2007 .

[84]  F. Geels,et al.  Typology of sociotechnical transition pathways , 2007 .

[85]  Ingrid Bouwer Utne Are the smallest fishing vessels the most sustainable?—trade-off analysis of sustainability attributes , 2008 .

[86]  Niels I. Meyer,et al.  Danish energy reform: policy implications for renewables , 2003 .

[87]  Gert Tinggaard Svendsen,et al.  Climate change negotiations and first-mover advantages: the case of the wind turbine industry , 2006 .

[88]  Stian Nygaard,et al.  System failure, innovation policy and patents : Fuel cells and related hydrogen technology in Norway 1990-2002 , 2006 .

[89]  Eirik S. Amundsen,et al.  Price Volatility and Banking in Green Certificate Markets , 2006 .

[90]  R. Tol Estimates of the Damage Costs of Climate Change. Part 1: Benchmark Estimates , 2002 .

[91]  Atle Midttun,et al.  Green Innovation in Nordic Energy Industry: Systemic Contexts and Dynamic Trajectories , 2005 .

[92]  Orvika Rosnes,et al.  The Impact of Climate Policies on the Operation of a Thermal Power Plant , 2008 .

[93]  Lin Gan,et al.  Cost-competitive incentives for wind energy development in China: institutional dynamics and policy changes , 2002 .

[94]  Jiun-Jiun Ferng,et al.  Toward a scenario analysis framework for energy footprints , 2002 .

[95]  Jochen Markard,et al.  Technological innovation systems and the multi-level perspective: Towards an integrated framework , 2008 .

[96]  P. L. Sankhayan,et al.  Use of models to analyse land-use changes, forest/soil degradation and carbon sequestration with special reference to Himalayan region: A review and analysis , 2006 .

[97]  Staffan Jacobsson,et al.  The diffusion of renewable energy technology: an analytical framework and key issues for research , 2000 .

[98]  F. Geels From sectoral systems of innovation to socio-technical systems: Insights about dynamics and change from sociology and institutional theory , 2004 .

[99]  Derk Loorbach,et al.  Transition Management: A Reflexive Governance Approach , 2006 .

[100]  Chris Marnay,et al.  Distributed Energy Resources Market Diffusion Model , 2006 .

[101]  Staffan Jacobsson,et al.  Transforming the Energy Sector : The evolution of technological systems in renewable energy technology , 2004 .

[102]  Marko P. Hekkert,et al.  Functions in innovation systems: A framework for analysing energy system dynamics and identifying goals for system-building activities by entrepreneurs and policy makers , 2008 .

[103]  Stefan Kuhlmann,et al.  Functions of innovation systems: A new approach for analysing technological change , 2007 .

[104]  Karin Ibenholt Explaining learning curves for wind power , 2002 .

[105]  Staffan Jacobsson,et al.  Innovation systems: analytical and methodological issues , 2002 .

[106]  Yohji Uchiyama,et al.  Life-cycle assessment of electricity generation options: The status of research in year 2001 , 2002 .

[107]  A. Bruvoll,et al.  Factors Behind the Environmental Kuznets Curve. A Decomposition of the Changes in Air Pollution , 2003 .