Advances in commutative ring theory : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Commutative Ring Theory in Fez, Morocco

Group rings R/G/ with 4-generated ideals when R is an Artinian ring with the 2-generatory property pi-domains without identity extensions of unique factorization - a survey root closure in commutative rings - a survey on the class group of A+XB/X/ domains rooty and root closed domains foliations, spectral topology and special morphisms hermite and weakly semi-Steinitz properties in pullbacks the dimension of tensor products of commutative algebras over a zero-dimensional ring the characteristic sequence of integer-valued polynomials on a subset Skolem properties and integer-valued polynomials - a survey multiplicative groups of fields factorization in anti-matter rings divisor properties inherited by normsets of rings of integers on the probability that Eisenstein's criterion applies to an arbitrary irreducible polynomial when is D+M n-coherent and an (n,d)-domain? Kaplansky ideal transform - a survey polynomial closure in essential domains and pullbacks polynomial functions in finite commutative rings Koszul algebras primary decomposition of ideals primary decomposition of ideals in polynomial rings Prufer (##)-domains and localizing systems of ideals building Noetherian domains inside an ideal-adic completion 11 trace properties and integral domains pullbacks and coherent-like properties classification of plane cubic curves commutative monoid rings with n-generated ideals about GCD domains semi-normality and t-closedness of algebraic orders failure of Krull-Schmidt for direct sums of copies of a module. (Part contents).