Functional meno-metrorrhagia in adolescent girls and in young women often presents a difficult clinical problem to the gynecologist who is charged with the responsibility of effective conservative therapy which avoids any possible impairment of the sexual and procreative functions of his patient. At times the radical measures of hysterectomy or large doses of x-ray or radium seem imperative to prevent exsanguination. A few fatal cases have been reported. Recently, we have encountered such a case in a colored girl, aged 15 years (1). A reliable yet innocuous method of curative therapy would fulfill a long awaited need. As the active endocrinal preparations, which have resulted from the intensive research work of the past decade, have become available to the clinical gynecologist, application of certain of these to the treatment of such patients has been studied. As we have indicated in previous reports (2,3,4), there has been no unanimity of opinion as to the merits of such therapy. Most of these studies h...