Production and Properties of Ag Metallic Nanoparticle Fluid by Electrical Explosion of Wire in Liquid

SolcoNanoadvance Inc. Doodea-dong, Changwon, 641-771, Korea(Received April 9, 2009; Revised April 28, 2009; Accepted May 8, 2009)Abstract This paper presents a novel single-step method to prepare the Ag nanometallic particle dispersedfluid (nanofluid) by electrical explosion of wire in liquid, deionized water (DI water). X-ray diffraction (XRD),field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) were usedvestigate the charact in to openl w ms also utia- a tor t asude dispeeo pnsiore th pstar ee Z . s idueristics the Agl f f oona nerties of the as-prepared Ag nanofluid. Pure Ag phase was detected in the nanofluids using water. FE-SEM anal-ysis shows that the size of the particles formed in DI water was about 88 nm and Zeta potential value was about -43.68 without any physical and chemical treatments. Thermal conductivity of the as-prepared Ag particle dis-persed nanofluid shows much higher value than that of pure DI water. Keywords : Nanofluid, Dispersion property, Electrical explosion of wire