Handbook of housing and the built environment in the United States

Foreword by Sylvia F. Fava Introduction by Elizabeth Huttman The Context of Housing The Societal Function of Hoursing by William Michelson Neighborhood Quality: A Description and Analysis of Indicators by Charles E. Connerly and Robert W. Marans The Townhouse: A Basis for Community by Suzanne Keller Design of the Built Environment: Issues of Knowledge Generation and Utilization by Raymond G. Studer ResidentialCrowding in the United States: A Review of Research by Mark Baldassare Supply, Demand, and Affordability of Housing Affordability of Housing by Chester Hartman Private Rental Housing by Michael Harloe Home Finance: Buying and Keeping in a Changing Financial Environment by Lily M. Hoffman and Barbara Schmitter Heisler Cooperative and Condominium Conversions by Brian J. O'Connell Housing Subsidy Programs and Tenant Concerns Housing Subsidy Strategies in the United States: A Typology by R. Allen Hays Public Housing in the United States by Fenna Pit and Willem van Vliet-- Tax Subsidies: Their Effect on the Rate of Homeownership by Irving Welfeld The Housing Allowance as a Subsidy Approach by Bernard J. Frieden Rent Control in the United States by Kenneth Baar and Dennis Keating Tenants' Movements in the United States by John I. Gilderbloom Groups with Special Housing Needs Women's Housing and Neighbor-hood Needs by Karen Franck Minorities and Housing Discrimination by Diane Pearce The Housing and Living Arrangements of Young People in the United States by Willem van Vliet-- The Elderly and Housing by Elizabeth Huttman and Eleanor Gurewitsch The Problem of Homelessnes in the United States by Charles Hoch and Mary Jo Huch Housing in Urban, Suburban, and New Communities The Traditional American Suburban House and Envirnment: Social Effects by David Popenoe Urban Redevelopment by Norman Fainstein and Susan Fainstein Gentrification, Revitalization, and Displacement by J. John Palen New Communities in the United States by Elizabeth Huttman Prospects and Issues in United States Housing: A Comment by Willem van Vliet Indexes