The Jordan Rollover System (JRS) provides a realistic, highly controlled, repeatable dynamic test of vehicle roof crush performance under typical rollover conditions. The principal use thus far has been in comparing vehicles' roof crush and injury potential performance in one and two roll events. Because the JRS directly measures the force between the roof and the ground during touchdown, it can be used to measure, assess and optimize occupant protection by adjusting roof geometry, roof structural design and material strength and elasticity, for the least cost and weight. This study demonstrates that the peak force (load) between the initial leading side roof rail (near side) and the road is roughly four times the vehicle weight (the load-to-weight ratio or LWR) when a vehicle first touches down at around 150dgrees of roll. The force then drops substantially as the vehicle continues to roll over the flat of the roof, in most instances dropping to zero because the vehicle is momentarily airborne. When the vehicle rolls beyond 180degrees and comes into contact with the side rail opposite to the leading side of roll (far side), the force rapidly rises again. The roof then either collapses or lifts the vehicle center of gravity (COG). The far side rail of a weak roof vehicle that cannot lift the COG may then halt the vehicle's downward fall, imposing even larger forces on the road segment when the vehicle's door and main body structure interact with the roadway. To deal with such forces, a long standing and natural presumption has been to substantially increase the roof strength to weight ratio (SWR), which can result in weight efficiency cost penalties. However, one production vehicle that was tested minimized roof crush without substantially increasing its SWR. Analysis of the results has found that far side roof crush is strongly related to the difference between the major radius (the maximum distance from the principal axis of rotation to the roof rail) and minor radius (distance from that axis to the center of the roof). Three to four inches, as between cars and LTV's has a significant effect on injury potential. The typical difference in a light truck vehicle LTV is around 15 cm to 25 cm (6" to 10") while in an passenger car it is around 8 cm to 15 cm (3" to 6"). These observations were confirmed by physical tests of strong and weak roofed vehicles. These tests led to the conclusion that a geometry change in the roof to minimize the difference in radius across the roof would reduce the degree to which the far side of a less strong roof had to lift the vehicle as it rolled beyond 180degrees. A finite element analysis confirmed that for a vehicle of modest roof strength, a structurally strong, rounded roof panel will reduce the far side deformation and intrusion speed by about two-thirds without increasing underlying roof strength. These results were confirmed in JRS testing of current production passenger cars and SUV vehicles and with a "HALO" - High Attenuation Load Offset (U.S. and International Patent Pending Rollover Damage Minimization Device) retrofit kit for SUVs. The full text of this paper may be found at: For the covering abstract see ITRD E145407.
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Roof Strength and Injury Risk in Rollover Crashes
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E. Franchini.
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