Scanning Auger spectromicroscopy using the ScopeFoundry software platform

We have developed an open-source, Python-based software platform called ScopeFoundry for performing complex, multidimensional microscopy experiments that integrate diverse types of experimental hardware. ScopeFoundry streamlines experiment development by providing a modular environment where hardware controls and measurement schemes can be arranged and customized. Important software tasks such as data management and user interface generation are automated. Using this platform, we have implemented scanning Auger spectromicroscopy on a modified commercial surface analysis system. Spectromicroscopy produces multidimensional datasets with complete spectra at each image pixel, allowing for detailed analysis of material phases where Auger peaks may change in shape and position. Analysis of the surface phases of an advanced electron emission dispenser cathode is presented as an example. We describe the general ScopeFoundry platform, its application to Auger spectromicroscopy, and ways it can be applied to advance surface analysis and microscopy.