Climate change research: Evaluation and policy implications. Vol.B.

Introduction - opening session: opening address by the Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, M. de Boer. Part 1 Key note addresses: current progress in the study of global biogeochemical cycles, M.H Unsworth and G. Wolfe the potential effects of climate change in a riverine hydrological system in northwestern Canada, S.J. Cohen assessing the impacts of climate - the issue of winners and losers in a global climate change context, M.H. Glantz sustainable development and climate change, R.K. Turner global climate change - social and institutional options, M. Redclift national and international economic instruments for climate change policy, J.B. Opschoor integrated models for estimating regional climate change in response to anthropogenic emissions - MAGICC and SCENGEN, T.M.L. Wigley the process of developing policy based on global environmental risk assessment, D.J. Fisk communication among scientists, decision makers and society - developing policy-relevant global climate change research, J.C. Bernabo climate change, policy options and research implications, P. Vellinga stabilizing greenhouse gases - global and regional consequences, J. Alcamo et al. Part 2 NRP assessment reports and short papers: theme "the climate system" - assessment report on NRP subtheme "atmospheric processes and UV-B radiation", R. Guicherit, assessment report on NRP subtheme "oceans and the climate system", L. Otto theme "greenhouse gases" - assessment report on NRP theme "greenhouse gases", J.J.M. Berdowski et al theme "impacts and consequences of climate change" - assessment report on NRP subtheme "effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems", S.C. van de Geijn, assessment report on NRP subtheme "impact of climate change on the Wadden Sea", W.J. Wolff, assessment report on NRP subtheme "impact of climate change on regional hydrology", J. Dronkers, assessment report on NRP subtheme "effects of enchanced UV-B radiation", J.C. van der Leun theme "sustainable solutions" - assessment report on NRP subtheme "energy demand and supply options to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions", W.C. Turkenburg, assessment report on NRP subtheme "mobility and motorized transport which fit in sustainable development", C.A.J. Vlek, assessment report on NRP subtheme "culture, consumption and lifestyles", C.A.J. Vlek, assessment report on NRP subtheme "national instruments for climate change policy", H. Verbruggen theme "integration of climate change research" - assessment report on NRP subtheme "risk analysis", W. Biesiot and L. Hendrickx.