Test device for time varying mechanical properties of column under load-environment coupling effect

Relating to the field of civil engineering, the invention provides a test device for time varying mechanical properties of a column under a load-environment coupling effect. The device comprises a column, a loading system, an environment corrosion accelerating system, and a measuring system. Specifically, the column is installed on the loading system which imposes a load on the column; the column is also in connection with the environment corrosion accelerating system so as to accelerate environment corrosion of the column; and the column is connected to the measuring system for real-time monitoring of time varying mechanical properties of the column. In the corrosion acceleration process of a member, the device of the invention not only can realize real-time observation of a member deflection change and the stress strain changes of steel bars and concrete, but also can observe the whole cracking and development process of a crack on the column during degradation, thus simulating the actual working state of the column completely, and successfully providing a solution to monitoring of time varying degraded mechanical properties of a reinforced concrete column under a load-environment coupling effect.