Simulation of 1994 Northridge earthquake aftershock
V IS U A L P R O C E E D IN G S C O M P U T E R A N IM A T IO N F E S T IV A L “Simulation of 1994 Northridge Earthquake Aftershock” is an educational video illustrating, through data visualization, earthquake research at Carnegie Mellon University. This video shows computer simulation data of how an alluvial basin’s structure and composition modifies the horizontal displacement effects caused by a Northridge Earthquake aftershock. Producer: Gregory Foss Graphics and Animation: Gregory Foss Research: Jacobo Bielak (PI) and The Quake Group at CMU Video and Hardware Support: Anjana Kar Narration: Joel Welling Software Support: Grace Giras Simulation of 1994 Northridge Earthquake Aftershock