Dosimetric Quantity System for Electromagnetic Fields Bioeffects

Dosimetric evaluation system used is able to determine the distribution of SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) inside a phantom model that complies with European and USA standards (EN 50361, IEEE 1528). It consists of a robot, an electric field probe calibrated for use in liquids, a ghost "twin" ghost "elliptical flat" fluid simulation of human tissue, a gripping device DUT (device under test) and software Open SAR. Specific Absorption Rate (or SAR) is a measure of how transmitted RF energy is absorbed by human tissue. SAR is a function of the electrical conductivity, the induced E-field from the radiated energy (measured in Volts/meter) and the mass density of the tissue.Due to the high sensitivity of the probe, its output voltage is measured without amplification. Electric field probe corresponds to the recommendations of CENELEC (European Committee for the Coordination of Electrical Standards) and IEEE (Committee of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in the field) for measuring electromagnetic fields of mobile phones, base stations and radiating devices. DUT latch is constructed of a material with low loss and low permittivity. It allows moving the axes Ox, Oy, Oz or rotation around phantom ear for precise positioning of the DUT. With the software robot motion control Open SAR, local SAR values are determined and calculated SAR values averaged over 10 grams and 1 gram of tissue.