Lectu re Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems

[1]  M. Ahluwalia,et al.  Inequality, poverty and development. , 1976, Journal of development economics.

[2]  E. Kofler,et al.  Entscheidungen bei unvollständiger Information , 1976 .

[3]  J. Mirrlees The Optimal Structure of Incentives and Authority Within an Organization , 1976 .

[4]  G. Hasenkamp,et al.  Specification and estimation of multiple-output production functions , 1976 .

[5]  H. Frisch Inflation in Small Countries , 1976 .

[6]  Koji Okuguchi,et al.  Expectations and stability in oligopoly models , 1976 .

[7]  Bernhard Korte,et al.  Optimization and Operations Research , 1976 .

[8]  Jacob Cohen,et al.  On regenerative processes in queueing theory , 1976 .

[9]  Claus Kastning,et al.  Integer programming and related areas : a classified bibliography , 1976 .

[10]  M. Ahluwalia Income Distribution and Development: Some Stylized Facts , 1976 .

[11]  Jochen Wilhelm,et al.  Objectives and Multi-objective Decision Making Under Uncertainty , 1975 .

[12]  H. Demsetz,et al.  Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization , 1975, IEEE Engineering Management Review.

[13]  Gerhard A. Aschinger Stabilitatsaussagen uber Klassen Von Matrizen mit Verschwindenden Zeilensummen , 1975 .

[14]  A. Ruberti,et al.  Variable Structure Systems with Application to Economics and Biology , 1975 .

[15]  Montek S. Ahluwalia,et al.  Redistribution with Growth. , 1976 .

[16]  R. Weischedel,et al.  Optimal Subset Selection: Multiple Regression, Interdependence and Optimal Network Algorithms , 1974 .

[17]  L. Takács A single-server queue with limited virtual waiting time , 1974, Journal of Applied Probability.

[18]  J. Stiglitz,et al.  Increases in risk and in risk aversion , 1974 .

[19]  M. Zeleny Linear Multiobjective Programming , 1974 .

[20]  Friedrich L. Bauer,et al.  Supercritical Wing Sections II , 1974 .

[21]  Austin J. Lemoine,et al.  Limit theorems for generalized single server queues , 1974, Advances in Applied Probability.

[22]  K. Arrow The limits of organization , 1974 .

[23]  S. Fujino A Neo-Keynesian Theory of Inflation and Economic Growth , 1974 .

[24]  Reinhard Selten,et al.  General equilibrium with price-making firms , 1974 .

[25]  J. Aubin Analyse Convexe et Ses Applications , 1974 .

[26]  Daryl J. Daley,et al.  Notes on Queueing Output Processes , 1974 .

[27]  I. Adelman,et al.  Economic Growth and Social Equity in Developing Countries , 1975 .

[28]  J. Wallace,et al.  Estimation of Product Attributes and Their Importances , 1973 .

[29]  J. Richard Posterior and Predictive Densities for Simultaneous Equation Models , 1973 .

[30]  Paul Slovic,et al.  Response-induced reversals of preference in gambling: An extended replication in las vegas , 1973 .

[31]  Gordon F. Newell,et al.  Approximate Stochastic Behavior of n-Server Service Systems with Large n , 1973 .

[32]  T. Page Economics of Involuntary Transfers: A Unified Approach to Pollution and Congestion Externalities , 1973 .

[33]  W. Cline,et al.  Potential effects of income redistribution on economic growth : Latin American cases , 1973 .

[34]  D. G. Tambouratzis,et al.  Erlang's formula and some results on the departure process for a loss system , 1973, Journal of Applied Probability.

[35]  D. Neeleman,et al.  A Monte-Carlo study , 1973 .

[36]  A. Balakrishnan Filtering and control a function space approach , 1973 .

[37]  Richard Saeks,et al.  Resolution space; operators and systems , 1973 .

[38]  David A. Pierce,et al.  Residual Correlations and Diagnostic Checking in Dynamic-Disturbance Time Series Models , 1972 .

[39]  P. Brown The Economic Effects of Floods: Investigations of a Stochastic Model of Rational Investment Behavior in the Face of Floods , 1972 .

[40]  Douglas R. Miller Existence of Limits in Regenerative Processes , 1972 .

[41]  George E. P. Box,et al.  Topics in Control. 4. The Analysis of Closed-Loop Dynamic-Stochastic Systems. , 1972 .

[42]  R. Abrams,et al.  Nonlinear programming in complex space: Sufficient conditions and duality , 1972 .

[43]  G. P. Barker On matrices having an invariant cone , 1972 .

[44]  Fritz Pokropp,et al.  Aggregation von Produktionsfunktionen , 1972 .


[46]  B. T. Poljak,et al.  Lectures on mathematical theory of extremum problems , 1972 .

[47]  C. Sims Money, Income, and Causality , 1972 .

[48]  Jacques Loeckx,et al.  Computability and decidability: an introduction for students of computer science , 1972, Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems.

[49]  Abraham Berman,et al.  A Note on Pencils of Hermitian or Symmetric Matrices , 1971 .

[50]  Adi Ben-Israel,et al.  More on linear inequalities with applications to matrix theory , 1971 .

[51]  G. Feichtinger Stochastische Modelle demographischer Prozesse , 1971 .

[52]  D. A. Pierce Distribution of Residual Autocorrelations in the Regression Model with Autoregressive-Moving Average Errors , 1971 .

[53]  M. El-Hodiri Constrained Extrema Introduction to the Differentiable Case with Economic Applications , 1971 .

[54]  W. T. Tutte Introduction to the theory of matroids , 1971 .

[55]  M. Magill,et al.  On a General Economic Theory of Motion , 1970 .

[56]  M. Rothschild,et al.  Increasing risk: I. A definition , 1970 .

[57]  H. Störmer Semi-Markoff-Prozesse mit endlich vielen Zuständen : Theorie und Anwendungen , 1970 .

[58]  Adi Ben-Israel On Cone-Monotonicity of Complex Matrices , 1970 .

[59]  I. Mufti Computational methods in optimal control problems , 1970 .

[60]  A. Ghosal,et al.  Some Aspects of Queueing and Storage Systems , 1970 .

[61]  Davinder Bhatia,et al.  Nonlinear programming in complex space , 1969 .

[62]  Adi Ben-Israel,et al.  A duality theorem for complex quadratic programming , 1969 .

[63]  Adi Ben-Israel Linear equations and inequalities on finite dimensional, real or complex, vector spaces: A unified theory☆ , 1969 .

[64]  L. Takács On Erlang's Formula , 1969 .

[65]  Yik-Hoi Au-Yeung A theorem on a mapping from a sphere to the circle and the simultaneous diagonalization of two hermitian matrices , 1969 .

[66]  Aaron Strauss Introduction to Optimal Control Theory , 1968 .

[67]  O. Williamson Hierarchical Control and Optimum Firm Size , 1967, Journal of Political Economy.

[68]  H. Schneeweiß,et al.  Entscheidungskriterien bei Risiko , 1967 .

[69]  J. March,et al.  Handbook of organizations , 1966 .


[71]  H. W. Sorenson,et al.  Kalman Filtering Techniques , 1966 .

[72]  G. Debreu Mathematical Economics: Continuity properties of Paretian utility , 1964 .

[73]  R. Cottle Symmetric dual quadratic programs , 1963 .

[74]  G. F. Newell,et al.  Introduction to the Theory of Queues. , 1963 .

[75]  Peter Collison Career Contingencies of English University Teachers , 1962 .

[76]  R. Bellman,et al.  On Systems of Linear Inequalities in Hermitian Matrix Variables , 1962 .

[77]  W. Fellner Distortion of Subjective Probabilities as a Reaction to Uncertainty , 1961 .

[78]  D. Ellsberg Decision, probability, and utility: Risk, ambiguity, and the Savage axioms , 1961 .

[79]  R. Bellman Introduction to Matrix Analysis , 1972 .

[80]  L. Collatz Functional analysis and numerical mathematics , 1968 .

[81]  K. Arrow,et al.  A Time Series Analysis of Interindustry Demands. , 1959 .

[82]  K. Svalastoga Prestige, class, and mobility , 1959 .

[83]  Herbert A. Simon,et al.  The Compensation of Executives , 1957 .

[84]  I. P. Natanson,et al.  Theorie der Funktionen einer reellen Veränderlichen , 1956 .

[85]  W. Edwards The prediction of decisions among bets. , 1955, Journal of experimental psychology.

[86]  S. J. Prais,et al.  Measuring Social Mobility , 1955 .

[87]  L. J. Savage,et al.  The Foundations of Statistics , 1955 .

[88]  M. Allais Le comportement de l'homme rationnel devant le risque : critique des postulats et axiomes de l'ecole americaine , 1953 .


[90]  W. Feller An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications , 1959 .

[91]  L. J. Savage,et al.  The Utility Analysis of Choices Involving Risk , 1948, Journal of Political Economy.

[92]  M. G. Preston,et al.  An experimental study of the auction-value of an uncertain outcome. , 1948, The American journal of psychology.

[93]  H. Simon,et al.  Administrative Behavior: A Study of Decision-Making Processes in Administrative Organization. , 1959 .

[94]  S. Vajda,et al.  The stratified semi-stationary population. , 1947, Biometrika.

[95]  H. Seal,et al.  The mathematics of a population composed of kappa stationary strata each recruited from the stratum below and supported at the lowest level by a uniform annual number of entrants. , 1945, Biometrika.

[96]  D. V. Widder,et al.  The Laplace Transform , 1943 .