The importance of additional criteria in solving transportation problem

Simulation of the discrete and continuous business and production processes nowadays is a vital segment which enhances planning and defining phases of the construction projects. Authors have highlighted the possible improvement in computer programs (Solvers) for organizational processes modelling which was demonstrated on the computer simulation example of the asphalt production and transportation. Program of asphalt production and transportation was modelled as a linear program known as transportation problem. Initial model, structured by the potential asphalt plants (sources) which were required to fulfil the need and to supply the certain road-construction sites (destinations) while maintaining as a balanced model with the structural conditions and with the minimal transportation costs as an objective function, was expanded by three additional criteria: mean cost of the asphalt transportation from each source to each destination, median cost of the asphalt transportation from each source to each destination and the nominal source capacity. For further simulation of the transportation problems authors made a computer program MCS (Multiple Criteria Solver) which contained the mentioned criteria in order to achieve an optimal solution of the asphalt transportation with the continuous record of information: model which has offered the optimal solution, criteria that offered optimal solution, savings in respect of the initial model and production increase in respect of the initial model. It was noted that optimal transportation programs in a small number of cases were gained by the initial model. This means that even that initial transportation program satisfies all the structural conditions, without mentioned additional criteria check it could offer a sub-optimal solution. Model evaluation through these three criteria is necessary and it will ensure the optimal solution of the transportation problem.