수분 밀폐형 컴퓨터시스템(MPC) 개발

The MPC(Moisture Protected Computer) system is completely unique. It was recently invented in Korea and it is a technological break-through in the field of computer systems. It will be instrumental in the development of a complete moisture air-tight capability and will work well in field environments. The MPC includes the following: 1) An enclosed design. 2) Moisture proof computer enclosure joints. 3) System dust protection & an impact buffing system. 4) A normal temperature maintenance system when the temperature inside the computer is low. 5) The ability to generate heat and a radiate system inside the computer 6) An automatic power input sensing controller device. 7) A safety device in case of mis-operation. 8) A proper admission procedure for various tests. Because of the above, and as a result of temperature property experiments, there aren't any operational problems. The result of this treatise could provide very important data for verification of cases involving: using strong materials to protect against explosions, searching for ways to make the size and weight small, and for making repairs easier. As a result, it could achieve price and function competitiveness in advanced countries such as the USA and in Europe.