Head Mounted Displayをゲームに使用して生じる動揺病の自覚評価
We investigated the effect of using a head-mounted display (HMD) to play game. Thirty young subjects were asked to fill in a questionnaire with 28 items concerning eye strain, motion sickness, and display-work related symptoms before and after 20 minutes of playing TV games. Each subject performed two sessions, in one session, a conventional TV monitor was used, and in the other, a commercially available HMD was used. Using factor analysis, we classified these items into an eye-strain related group and a motion-sickness related group. Almost all symptoms were worsen after game playing. Fourteen items in the TV-monitor sessions and 22 items in the HMD sessions were statistically significant. Statistical tests showed that seven symptoms related to motion sickness were significantly worse only with the HMD.