The Design of an Elliptical Reflector in the Gaussianlike Antenna Used in HT-7 ECRH System

The structure of the antenna which will be used in HT-7 tokamak electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) experiment and the design of its key component (the elliptical reflector) were introduced. A quasi-Gaussian TE11 wave sent from the TE01-TE11 mode converter was reflected by two mirrorsfrom the waveguide aperture to the plasma center area. One of the two mirrors is a plane mirror and the other is an elliptical mirror. In this process, the wave beam will be converged by the two reflecting mirrors and the emissive direction of the wave is also controlled by them. As requested physically for ECRH experiment, the arrangement of the two mirrors can ensure the wave to be launched from the low-field side of the tour.