Intention reading technique is essential to provide personalized services toward more convenient and human-friendly services in complex ubiquitous environment such as a smart home. If a system has knowledge about an user`s intention of his/her behavioral pattern, the system can provide mote qualified and satisfactory services automatically in advance to the user`s explicit command. In this sense, learning capability is considered as a key function for the intention reading technique in view of knowledge discovery. In this paper, ore introduce a personalized media control method for a possible application iii a smart home. Note that data pattern such as human behavior contains lots of inconsistent data due to limitation of feature extraction and insufficiently available features, where separable data groups are intermingled with inseparable data groups. To deal with such a data pattern, we introduce an effective engineering approach with the combination of fuzzy logic and probabilistic reasoning. The proposed learning system, which is based on IFCS (Iterative Fuzzy Clustering with Supervision) algorithm, extract probabilistic fuzzy rules effectively from the given numerical training data pattern. Furthermore, an extended architectural design methodology of the learning system incorporating with the IFCS algorithm are introduced. Finally, experimental results of the media contents recommendation system are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed system.