Quantitative enzyme radioautography with 3H-Ro 41-1049 and 3H-Ro 19- 6327 in vitro: localization and abundance of MAO-A and MAO-B in rat CNS, peripheral organs, and human brain

Monoamine oxidases A and B (MAO-A and MAO-B) oxidatively deaminate neurotransmitter and xenobiotic amines. Since the cellular localization of the isoenzymes in the CNS and peripheral organs determines to a large extent which substrate has access to which isoenzyme, knowledge of their tissue distribution and cellular localization is essential. Here we describe how reversible and selective inhibitors of MAO-A and MAO-B [Ro 41–1049 and Ro 19–6327 (lazabemide), respectively] can be used, as tritiated radioligands, to map the distribution and abundance of the enzymes in microscopic regions of the rat CNS and peripheral organs, and human brain by quantitative enzyme radioautography. The in vitro binding characteristics of both radiolabeled inhibitors revealed them to be selective, high-affinity ligands for the respective enzymes. KD and Bmax values for 3H-Ro 41–1049 in rat cerebral cortex were 10.7 nM and 7.38 pmol/mg protein, respectively, and for 3H-Ro 19–6327 were 18.4 nM and 3.45 pmol/mg protein, respectively. In accordance with their potencies as enzyme inhibitors, binding to MAO-A and MAO-B was competitively inhibited by clorgyline (IC50 = 1.4 nM) and L-deprenyl (selegiline; IC50 = 8.0 nM), respectively. The capacities of various rat and human tissues to bind the radioligands correlated extremely well with their corresponding enzyme activities. As revealed by the respective binding assays, the distribution and abundance of MAO-A and MAO-B in the tissues investigated differed markedly. MAO-A was most abundant in the locus coeruleus, paraventricular thalamus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, median habenular nucleus, ventromedial hypothalamus, raphe nuclei, solitary tract nucleus, inferior olives, interpeduncular nucleus, claustrum, and numerous peripheral tissues, including liver, vas deferens, heart, superior cervical ganglion, and exocrine and endocrine pancreas. In contrast, MAO-B was most abundant in the ependyma, circumventricular organs, olfactory nerve layer, periventricular hypothalamus, cingulum, hippocampal formation, raphe nuclei, paraventricular thalamus, mammillary nuclei, cerebellar Bergmann glia cells, liver, posterior pituitary, renal tubules, and endocrine pancreas. The cellular localization of the isoenzymes in both rat and human brain differs markedly and does not reflect the distribution of the presumed natural substrates, for example, absence of MAO-A in serotoninergic neurons. Indeed, the present evidence suggests that, whereas MAO-A is found in noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons, MAO-B occurs in astrocytes, serotoninergic neurons, as well as ventricular cells, including most circumventricular organs. The physiological roles of the enzymes are discussed in the light of these findings, some of which were unexpected.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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