Nomenclature of Polymeric Materials

Abstract The purpose of this brief review is to aquaint the authors and readers of Rubber Chemistry and Technology with the essentials of polymer nomenclature. To ensure quality communication, it is important that a common language be utilized that is understood, not only by those in the rubber and elastomers field, but by anyone in related areas of polymer science and technology as well. Traditional and trade names of polymeric materials often have time-honored meanings but are obscure or incomplete and frequently fail to convey reasonably accurate information. Many polymer and chemical names are at best ambiguous, but are easily correctable. The methods outlined here have been adopted by the Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC); their use in Rubber Chemistry and Technology is strongly recommended. Additional details will be found in the appropriate IUPAC publications. Note that for the purposes of this paper italics are generally used...