Stage-Structured Populations. Sampling, Analysis and Simulation
Stage-structured populations sampling for population estimation maximum likelihood estimation of models analysis of multi-cohort stage-frequency data - the Kiritani-Nakasuji-Manly method of analysis, the Kempton method of estimation, the Bellows and Birley mode Analysis of single cohort stage-frequency data matrix and other models for reproducing populations - the Bernadelli-Leslie-Lewis model, Lefkovitch's model for populations grouped by life stages Usher's model key factor analysis - the Varley and Gradwell graphical method of key factor analysis extensions to the Varley and Gradwell approach the Manly model for key factor analysis case studies - the sheep blowfly "lucilia cuprina" the nematode "patatrichodorus minor", the pink cotton bollworm moth "pectinophora gossypiella", the southern pine beetle "dendroctonus frontalis", the grey pup seal "halichoerus grypus".