Iran Talks: Das Palavras aos Atos. A Declaração de Teerã e o Plano de Ação Conjunto de Genebra em Perspectiva

This article assesses and contrasts the core aspects of the 2010 Tehran Declaration and of the 2013 Geneva Joint Plan of Action. It argues that the political conditions at the international community, in Iran, and in the US, prevented the Teheran Declaration from succeeding. It was a missed opportunity to initiate the process of fully reinserting Iran in the international community. The article examines some reasons why these two negotiating processes about the Iranian nuclear program have reached different results and repercussion. It incorporates geopolitical and identitary considerations about Iran’s role in the international community, particularly in the Middle East. Because they have influenced the evolution of events, selected aspects of both Iranian and American domestic politics are also part of the analysis.