Childhood and disability in the Nordic countries : being, becoming, belonging
Foreword Tom Shakespeare Introduction: Disabled Children and Youth in the Nordic Countries Snaefridur Th. Egilson Borgunn Ytterhus Rannveig Traustadottir Berit Berg PART I: THEORIES AND HISTORY 1. Perspectives on Childhood and Disability Borgunn Ytterhus Snaefridur Th. Egilson Rannveig Traustadottir Berit Berg 2. Disabled Children and Welfare Policy in the Nordic Countries: Historical notes Jan Tossebro 3. Inclusion, Diagnostics, and Diversity: Ethical Considerations Simo Vehmas PART II: IDENTITY AND IMAGES 4. 'I'm different, but I am like everyone else' - the Dynamics of Disability Identity Anders Gustavsson Catarina Nyberg 5. Childhood Disability, Identity and the Body Eirikur Smith Rannveig Traustadottir 6. Ethnicity, Disability and Identity Anna Kittelsaa 7. Cultural Representation of Disability in Children's Literature Hanna Bjorg Sigurjonsdottir PART III: INTERACTION AND INCLUSION 8. Interaction and Belonging in Preschool Karin Barron 9. Norwegian Preschools as Integrating Institutions? Disabled Children in Preschool 1999-2009 Borgunn Ytterhus 10. Interacting Technology and Social Participation Helena Hemmingsson 11. A Comparison of Social Life Among 11-year-old Disabled Children and 11 Year-olds in General Maria Rogeskov Helle Hansen Steen Bengtsson PART IV: FAMILIES AND SERVICES 12. Growing up with Disability: Family Perspective Jan Tossebro Christian Wendelborg 13. Immigration and Disability: Minority Families with Disabled Children Berit Berg 14. Services to Disabled Children and their Families: User Perspectives Snaefridur Th. Egilson