Regional Development Theory: Conceptual Foundations, Classic Works, and Recent Developments

This annotated bibliography gives an overview of the theoretical literature on regional economic growth and examines its conceptual foundations, major competing paradigms, and recent developments. The overview concludes with a discussion of the policy implications suggested by this body of theory. Throughout the review, three themes are emphasized: (1) the theoretical predictions regarding the convergence or divergence of per capita incomes across regions over time, (2) the assumptions regarding the importance of internal and external scale economies to regional economic growth, and (3) the role of space in shaping regional labor market outcomes.

[1]  M. Lessnoff Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy , 1979 .

[2]  Douglass C. North,et al.  Location Theory and Regional Economic Growth , 1955, Journal of Political Economy.

[3]  H. Herzog Who Benefits from State and Local Economic Development Policies , 1992 .

[4]  On the dynamics of frontier economies: Endogenous growth or the self-organization of a dissipative system? , 1998 .

[5]  P. Romer Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth , 1986, Journal of Political Economy.

[6]  A. Venables,et al.  The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions, and International Trade , 2000 .

[7]  Wendell Bell,et al.  Location and Space-Economy. , 1957 .

[8]  George I. Treyz,et al.  An Evolutionary New Economic Geography Model , 2000 .

[9]  Antoni Kukliński,et al.  Growth poles and growth centres in regional planning , 1974 .

[10]  Ann Markusen,et al.  Profit cycles, oligopoly, and regional development , 1985 .

[11]  R. Martin,et al.  Slow Convergence? The New Endogenous Growth Theory and Regional Development* , 1998 .

[12]  P. Krugman The Role of Geography in Development , 1999 .

[13]  Barry Bluestone,et al.  The Deindustrialization of America , 1982 .

[14]  A. Dixit,et al.  Monopolistic competition and optimum product diversity , 1977 .

[15]  F. Perroux,et al.  Economic Space: Theory and Applications , 1950 .

[16]  J. Jewkes,et al.  Theory of Location of Industries. , 1933 .

[17]  F. E. Principles of Economics , 1890, Nature.

[18]  D. J. Harris History versus Equilibrium ” , 2004 .

[19]  John Friedmann,et al.  Territory and Function: The Evolution of Regional Planning , 1982 .

[20]  Regions: The Economies and Politics of Territory , 1988 .

[21]  S. Holland Capital versus the regions , 1976 .


[23]  J. Perloff,et al.  Modern Industrial Organization , 1990 .

[24]  H. Wolman,et al.  The Politics of Local Economic Development , 1996 .

[25]  Ann Markusen,et al.  Second Tier Cities: Rapid Growth beyond the Metropolis , 1999 .

[26]  N. Kaldor The Case for Regional Policies , 1970 .

[27]  W. Thompson The National System of Cities as an Object of Public Policy , 1972 .

[28]  B. Higgins Regional Development Theories and Their Application , 1997 .

[29]  J. Friedmann The spatial organization of power in the development of urban systems , 1973 .

[30]  A. Chandler,et al.  Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128 , 1994 .

[31]  W. Stolper,et al.  The Long Waves in Economic Life , 1935 .

[32]  D. F. Darwent,et al.  Growth Poles and Growth Centers in Regional Planning—A Review , 1969 .

[33]  J. Steiner The Last Entrepreneurs: America's Regional Wars for Jobs and Dollars , 1979 .

[34]  S. Sassen,et al.  Give Us Your Poor ...@@@The Mobility of Labor and Capital: A Study in International Investment and Labor Flow. , 1990 .

[35]  H. Hotelling Stability in Competition , 1929 .


[37]  Edward Feser,et al.  Enterprises, External Economies, and Economic Development , 1998 .

[38]  Economic growth in a free market , 1965 .

[39]  Andrea Gregg,et al.  Learning From Doing: Lessons Learned From Designing and Developing an Educational Software Within a Heterogeneous Group , 2021, Int. J. Web Based Learn. Teach. Technol..

[40]  U. K. Hicks DEVELOPMENT FROM BELOW , 1961 .

[41]  E. Swyngedouw,et al.  Spatial Responses to Fordist and Post-Fordist Accumulation and Regulation , 2005 .

[42]  J. Henderson,et al.  Ways to Think about Urban Concentration: Neoclassical Urban Systems versus the New Economic Geography , 1996 .

[43]  Allen J. Scott,et al.  The Roepke Lecture in Economic Geography The Collective Order Of Flexible Production Agglomerations: Lessons for Local Economic Development Policy and Strategic Choice , 1992 .

[44]  T. Noyelle The Rise of Advanced Services: Some Implications for Economic Development in U.S. Cities , 1983 .

[45]  Anthony H. Pascal,et al.  The Economic Transformation of American Cities , 1984 .

[46]  R. Stough Endogenous Growth Theory and the Role of Institutions in Regional Economic Development , 2001 .

[47]  M. Danson The industrial structure and labour market segmentation: Urban and regional implications , 1982 .

[48]  J. Friedmann On the Contradictions Between City and Countryside , 1979 .

[49]  J. R. Lasuén On Growth Poles , 1969 .

[50]  A. Mcguire,et al.  What is it to be a model? , 2000, HEPAC Health Economics in Prevention and Care.

[51]  D. Massey In what sense a regional problem , 1979 .

[52]  E. Glaeser,et al.  Growth in Cities , 1991, Journal of Political Economy.

[53]  R. Bolton 'Place Prosperity vs People Prosperity' Revisited: An Old Issue with a New Angle , 1992 .

[54]  Tjalling C. Koopmans,et al.  On the concept of optimal economic growth , 1963 .

[55]  William L. Garrison,et al.  Methods of Regional Analysis: An Introduction to Regional Science , 1962 .

[56]  W. Alonso Urban and Regional Imbalances in Economic Development , 1968, Economic Development and Cultural Change.

[57]  W. Stöhr,et al.  Spatial equity: Some anti-theses to current regional development doctrine , 1977 .

[58]  J. Harrington,et al.  Social Processes, and Regional Economic Development , 2001 .

[59]  J. Poot,et al.  Spatial perspectives on new theories of economic growth , 1998 .

[60]  P. Cooke,et al.  The Network Paradigm: New Departures in Corporate and Regional Development , 1993 .

[61]  M. Taylor,et al.  The Product-Cycle Model: A Critique , 1986 .

[62]  F. Ramsey,et al.  THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF SAVING , 1928 .

[63]  N. Hansen Unbalanced Growth and Regional Development , 1965 .

[64]  David C. Pitt,et al.  PART TWO – DEVELOPMENT FROM ABOVE , 1976 .

[65]  R. Vernon International investment and international trade in the product cycle , 1966 .

[66]  M. Storper The Regional World: Territorial Development in a Global Economy , 1997 .

[67]  B. Ohlin,et al.  Interregional and International Trade. , 1936 .

[68]  Leon N. Moses,et al.  Methods of Regional Analysis: An Introduction to Regional Science. , 1960 .

[69]  H. Molotch The City as a Growth Machine: Toward a Political Economy of Place , 1976, American Journal of Sociology.

[70]  D. Massey Spatial Divisions of Labor: Social Structures and the Geography of Production , 1985 .