The paper describes the characteristics of a monitoring system installed on a ca- ble-stayed bridge recently constructed in the Port of Venice. The system is based on the use of the SOFO™ fiber optic sensor family and it has been conceived for both static long-term and periodic dynamic monitoring. The monitoring system has been installed during construction, in order to acquire control over the most significant construction phases, and for permanent static monitoring. Linear deformation sensors and their locations have however been selected in order to allow the execution of periodic dynamic measurements and identification of the structural characteristics. The first analyses of the data collected during the final stages of the construction and just after construction completion are presented. The characteristics of the algorithms that have been selected to interpret the monitoring data are also discussed. The Port Authority of Venice, in the framework of the development of the container and multi- purpose terminals of the Marghera basin, situated at the inner edge of the Venice Lagoon, have decided the construction of a new road link between the national highway system and the port areas. The road link is crossing the "West Industrial Channel" and the railways serving the ter- minals, thus requiring the construction of a long-span bridge. An international competition has been launched for the design of the bridge and related ac- cess viaducts. The preferred design was including a cable-stayed bridge formed by a composite steel and reinforced concrete beam, continuous over two spans of 105 m and 126 m in length, respectively. The bridge axis is a circular segment of 175 m radius. The deck on each of the two spans is supported by 9 cables, composed by 31 to 85 strands, attached to a reinforced concrete