벽식 공동주택의 벽체 조립기준면 실태조사 연구(II)

The standardization is expected to enhance the productivity through increasing competitiveness between design criteria and material sizes, and is also expected to preserve the environment through reducing wastes from construction sites. In our country, the application of the design method of face to face dimension in wall-slab apartment has passed 7 years. So MC design method has fixed in the design step to some degree. In Design and Work Execution of House the exclusive area of the apartment was calculated by face to face dimension. And the term of face to face dimension was known broadly to clients, construction company, etc. But design method of face to face dimension is not to simply extend the room size so far as wall depth in design process but to ensure the actual space should be considered with efficient use and assembly of building components. That is to say, Design method of face to face dimension is not to be defined by design step but to be related with construction and maintenance. However in construction process the point of face to face design method was not understood even now. So the purpose of this study was to survey the question of face to face design method in construction process by survey of actual condition of structure and construction quality, and compare with design survey.