[Experimental study on the effect of the topical application of steroids on olfactory disturbance in mice].

Although the topical treatment with steroids is the widespread method for olfactory disorders in human, the reports are limitted to clinical observations. The aim of this report is to evaluate the effect of topically applied of steroids in mice on the repairing course by the experimental olfactory disorders caused by zinc sulfate. The olfaction of mice was estimated by the record of behavioral task, using Cycloheximide, commonly used as repellent in rodents. When mice taste Cycloheximide for the first time, immediately the mice experience a very disagreeable taste leading to the simultaneous memory of the odor of Cycloheximide. Those who once experienced the taste and odor of Cycloheximide, will avoid simply by the odor next time. Two bottles were offered to mice, one containing distilled water and the other 0.01% Cycloheximide. When the mouse drank the distilled water, the response was interpreted as a correct response. When the Cycloheximide solution was chosen, an error. Twenty four mice were tested at ten times during a 10-minute trial, and the rates of correct response were counted. From the next day after the treatment of zinc sulfate, nasal application of 0.1% beta-methasone (group A), or nasal application of distilled water (group B) were applied to each group of twelve mice for five days. The results were as follows. 1. In the first experiment, the correct response was 85% (group A), and 80.8% (group B), however at the second trial, all responses were correct.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)