RHIC EBIS: basics of design and status of commissioning

RHIC EBIS will be used for producing multicharged ions from helium to uranium using primary ions from various external ion sources. The EBIS is followed by an RFQ and short linac, forming the new preinjector which will produce beams used for physics at RHIC and the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory, The design of RHIC EBIS is based on the BNL Test EBIS, which was a successful 10A electron current prototype. Improvements have been made in the RHIC EBIS design to increase the capacity of the ion trap, repetition frequency of operation, electron current, acceptance for injected ions, and improve vacuum conditions in the ionization region. RHIC EBIS has been assembled and installed in its final position. Commissioning is now underway to reach its project parameters. The results of this commissioning stage are presented.