Growing Points in Ethology

List of contributors Introduction Acknowledgements Part I. Motivation and Perception: Editorial: 1 1. Hierarchical organisation: a candidate principle for ethology Richard Dawkins 2. Form and function on the temporal organisation of behaviour D. J. McFarland 3. Attentional processes and animal behaviour R. J. Andrew 4. Dynamic boundaries of patterned behaviour: interaction and self-organization John C. Fentress 5. Sound production and perception in birds as related to the general principles of pattern perception W. H. Thorpe and J. Hall-Craggs Editorial: 2 Part II. Function and Evolution: Editorial: 3 6. Evolutionary rules and primate societies T.H. Clutton-Brock and P. H. Harvey 7. Social organization, communication and graded signals: the chimpanzee and the gorilla Peter Marler 8. Kin selection in lions and evolution B. C. R. Bertram 9. The social function of intellect N. K. Humphrey Editorial: 4 Part III. Development: Editorial: 5 10. The place of genetics in the study of behaviour Aubrey Manning 11. Stages in the early behavioural development of altricial young of selected species of non-primate mammals Jay S. Rosenblatt 12. The study of animal play M. J. A. Simpson 13. Rules and reciprocity in behavioural development P. P. G. Bateson Editorial: 6 Part IV. Human Social Relationships: Editorial: 7 14. Growing points in human ethology: another link between ethology and the social sciences? N.G. Blurton Jones 15. Towards understanding relationships: dynamic stability R. A. Hinde and Joan Stevenson-Hinde 16. How far do early differences in mother-child relations affect later development? Judy Dunn 17. Does ethology throw any light on human behaviour? Peter B. Medawar 18. Ethology in a changing world N. Tinbergen Editorial: 8 Conclusion - on asking the right questions Index.