기반시설연동제와 기반시설부담금제의 비교분석에 의한 효율적인 기반시설 설치비용 및 용량 확보방안에 관한 연구

Infrastructure linkage fee system, which was enacted since 2006 for the purpose of dealing with the problems of complexity and lack of universality of infrastructure rolling system enacted since 2003 to fulfill basic rule of "plan followed by development", was exposed to the criticism of excessive fee and failure in keeping the basic rule of "plan followed by development", caused by failing in considering indigenous infrastructure capacity of each local government. The purpose of this research is to provide policy suggestions to obtain infrastructure installment expenses and capacity effectively. For the object area, Hwaseong city in metropolitan area, infrastructure rolling system and infrastructure linkage fee system were applied and results were analyzed comparatively. Recommended policy suggestion was to obtain infrastructure installment expenses and capacity by the combination of infrastructure rolling system and infrastructure linkage fee system.