Mechanical and Physical Properties of Particle Board Made from Silaned and NaOH Modified Kelampayan (Neolamarckia cadamba) Particles

The objective of this study is to determine the mechanical and physical properties of Particleboard made from modified particle of Kelampayan (Neolamarckia cadamba). The particles were modified with Silane and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) by soaked the particle for 24 hours with different ratio ( Kelampayan + Silane, Kelampayan + NaOH, and Kelampayan + Silane + NaOH). The result showed that the mechanical and dimensional stability of the treated wood were improved. Particleboard made from 0.8 mesh particles treated with Silane and NaOH were highest value of bending strength modulus of rapture (MOR) 22.89MPa, modulus of elasticity (MOE) 3916.88MPa and Internal Bond properties 0.48214 MPa whereby particleboard made from 0.5 mesh particles treated by Silane were highest value for bending strength (MOR) 15.75MPa, MOE 2905.34 and Internal Bond properties 0.5748MPa.Outcome of this proposed research will provided valuable databases to the wood based industry to use Kelampayan as an alternative raw material in their down streams production such as particleboard, medium-density board and chipboard manufacturing.